Consumer Familiarization
Significant opportunity lies with buyers unsure of a dealer’s ability to address their EV needs. To seize this lucrative revenue stream, creating opportunities for auto buyers to experience EVs firsthand is key. In fact, in a recent J.D. Power study*, one-third of survey respondents said their reason for not considering an EV was a lack of knowledge. Taking into consideration only 50% of the car-buying population has been inside an EV, it’s clear there’s much work left to do.
Getting consumers inside electric vehicles is critical; in fact, once an auto buyer gains firsthand experience in an EV, they’re about three times as likely to purchase one.
Consumer Motivation
Tap into the power of science-driven, targeted incentives to efficiently motivate potential buyers to familiarize themselves with EVs and in turn, energize their consideration for cleaner, greener offerings. According to our research, when comparing different incentive levels, a $250 incentive only marginally increases a potential buyer’s motivation to test-drive an EV above a $35 incentive.

Percentage of auto buyers who would be somewhat/extremely motivated to test-drive an EV