The new driving divide.
Within these shifts, dealership teams came together even as the customers they served became split along what became a new driving divide: those who can work remotely, and those who can’t. Understanding how to serve both of these customer segments may be the most important lesson to be learned, coming out of the pandemic.
Of all the workforce changes motivated by the pandemic, remote work is, arguably, the most notable. It was adopted primarily by white-collar workers who, pre-pandemic, worked in offices and commuted to work. Now, one year later, a Gartner survey of company leaders found that 80% plan to allow remote work (at least part time), and 47% will allow work from home full time.1
Furthermore, in a recent FlexJobs survey, 65% of respondents report wanting to be full-time remote post-pandemic, and 31% want a hybrid remote work environment2. If so many companies are planning such a significant change to the structure and nature of the workforce that comprise their businesses, why are VMT numbers climbing back up? The reasons are many, including the changing dynamics of who is driving – and where.